/Mad Max Fury Road’s Peacemaker Is the Real Deal!

Mad Max Fury Road’s Peacemaker Is the Real Deal!

Mad Max Peacemaker 1 600x333 at Mad Max Fury Road’s Peacemaker Is the Real Deal!

You may remember a few weeks ago we showed all the bespoke cars built exclusively for the new Mad Max movie, the Fury Road. While those cars all looked mighty impressive, most of you thought they were nothing more than showpieces that don’t work in the real world. Well, most of you were wrong.

Here’s a brief demonstration of what the Peacemaker, one of the more prominent new Mad Max cars, is capable of. This thing is basically a tank with a massive engine and the body of an old muscle car bolted on top. It is awesomeness itself:

We know nothing about the performance specs of the Peacemaker or indeed any other Mad Max car, but given the way this thing moves around it must have something like a thousand horsepower. The thing does a wheelie every time the driver punches the throttle, and it can climb a virtually vertical hill, as you just saw. We want one of these quite badly!

Mad Max Peacemaker 2 600x330 at Mad Max Fury Road’s Peacemaker Is the Real Deal!

Mad Max Peacemaker 3 600x412 at Mad Max Fury Road’s Peacemaker Is the Real Deal!

(Founder / Chief Editor / Journalist) – Arman is the original founder of Motorward.com, which he kept until August 2009. Currently Arman is our chief editor and is held responsible for a large part of the news we publish.